Some of you are aware that I tried to eat snow crabs recently, and failed dismally at the sight of their little claws waving at me and crying "Help! Don't eat me!"... telepathically, obviously; food doesn't talk. But it had the same effect. Anyway, I was still unsure about this freshest of fresh food, and if I had any doubts, the aquarium type displays of octopi, squid, and fascinating fish were enough to put me off trying it again in Boryeong. More on that later...
Onwards we went, walking along the beach (lined with neon signs in true Hermit Kingdom fashion), drinking some kind of alcoholic Liquifruit, watching Harry impress all the girls with his Zimbo bottle-opening skills (not the eye-socket one, though. He's saving that for another time) until we washed up at the main square, open at one end to the beach and an enormous stage. In the centre an even enormouser bouncy-castle-slide loomed over the streets. This being Korea, while the stores and restaurants were open and doing brisk business, the festival was closed for the night, so we wandered about, wondering at the thick gloopy mud that still covered the streets from the day's festivities. Eventually we wound up sitting outside a bottle store, chatting to the multicultural soup that passed us, until the beers ran short and our exhaustion kicked in at 4am.
The next day, after a hearty breakfast of pot noodles, we set off once more for the 20 minute walk to the stage, fighting the gales that were whipping the sea into a dark grey frenzy, and found a few hundred foreigners getting down and dirty with a few brave Koreans (one was our lovely co-teacher, Mina.)

Boryeong's famous for its healthy mud, a grey, glutinous substance pumped out from the local rice paddies. That mud resulted in a few drunken foreigners descending on the quiet seaside town to wallow in the mud in 1998. Now it's grown to a 9-day festival famous around Asia. Of course, any festival where backpackers and the US military gather to drink and get laid is going to end up pretty dirty, and it's not the clean sort of dirty that we were aiming for. Our friends who came last weekend returned with horror stories of drunken Westerners ripping clothes off women and such things... but apart from a few (weak) lines from US soldiers ("I'm from Mexico. It's more awesome than Zimbabwe 'cause we got guns and jalapenos." "Take me now." Yeah.) the festival seemed pretty cool with a really friendly atmosphere. The main square was awash with mud, and slides and pools had been set up. A "cage" held people while Korean volunteers flung buckets of mud at them, and a looooong queue had formed to climb a bouncy castle and slide down the other side into a pool. One blow-up pool was the scene of a game sure to end in tears - 30 people stand around the edge, and a woman shouts out a number through a megaphone, at which the participants fling themselves at that number of people and try to bring them down... Harry says that in practice, nobody could hear the announcer so it was really just a free-for-all. It was great just giving in and getting really truly all-out filthy!

The gale-force wind with a high chill factor, however, eventually pushed us in the direction of the "Restaurant for Foreigners" where we sat under trees at plastic tables with plates loaded with burgers, chips and pasta. As we bit into our various meals an enormous camera arrived, two reporters and an interpreter in tow. They wanted us to appreciate the food on camera for KBS. Looking down at our very standard festival fare, the bemused expressions were clear. Harry tried his best, although I think his "hunger is the best gravy" line was a little cruel. We were all asked to bite into our food with relish - not hard for me, this being my first real meal all day. Finally, probably because they were fed up with us not playing along well enough, they made us raise our burgers, flash the peace sign, and chant in unison "BORYEONG MUD FESTIVAL IS NUMBER ONE!" Fun times. Luckily they left then, probably to torture some other blonde tourist for some usable lines. I say lucky, because just then I asked Harry to pass me the cigarettes from the mud-encrusted plastic bag we'd been carting around all day, and the reporter had moved it to the end of our line of three tables. As he leant towards it he started to topple and our cries were useless as he grabbed the table nearest him and went crashing down, the tables mere dominoes, earning him the Most Impressive Fall title for the weekend... Poor lad.
By now we were pretty tired and dirty - the "showers" being a large pool where you stood under squirting fountains, knee deep in water washed off the previous showerers. At one end of the festival stood the Boryeong Mud Information Centre, containing a jimjilbang - a Korean spa-slash-public-bath. Lots of people at EV go often to these, a very Korean way of relaxing and getting clean at the same time, but you have to get completely naked, which put me off - I have far too many insecurities to go parading them in front of strangers! But I asked a guide and he said there were so many foreigners that it was ok to wear my bikini inside, so I joined my friends, paid my W3000 (£1.50) and said goodbye to Harry as he went off to the men's section (we'd long since lost the other boys.) Depositing our shoes and bags in a locker at the entrance we went into the lobby of the women's baths - filled with naked bodies of all sizes and conditions, foreign and Korean, young and old. Insecurities started to fade and when Cait and Christa stripped right off, Wallis and I decided that although the bottoms were remaining firmly on our bottoms, the tops of our bikinis could come off. I'm very proud of this moment. The spa area was quite small compared to other jimjilbangs, apparently, but managed to squeeze in lovely hot showers, a fragrant sauna, a salt-water bath, a hot bath, a cold bath, a kids' bath, a mud bath, and buckets of mud you could paint yourself with. It was gorgeous and once I learnt not to accidentally lower my eyes from face level (surprisingly hard!) I started to enjoy it all! We spent nearly two hours just wallowing and chatting. After picking Harry up we decided to head home rather than wasting the feeling of not having mud in our hair and ears. Walking past the main area a guy commented to his friend "Whenever I see a girl like that I just want to run up and give her a big muddy hug" and it took all my forbearance to say "try it, and see how you live without your - ". I'm getting good at this zen thing.
Down the road we ran into our friends and decided to go to one of the seafood restaurants for dinner. These places are literally every second building in Boryeong so it was hard to choose, but we finally picked one and were ushered to a long table along one wall.

The fires under our table were lit and grills placed over the top, and the woman owner brought out a bowl sky-high with various shellfish - clams, oysters, mussels, conches, and a few none of us recognised. Then she expertly picked up a couple of oysters with her tongs and scissors, clipped them open and placed them on the grill, along with a conch or two. Which is when my appetite completely and utterly disappeared: the creature drew back inside the shell as it felt the heat. I turned to my stock favourite - the Korean pancake. The others tried a few, to their credit, but eventually the tubes and tentacles and suckers got to them too.

Thankfully, the lady, hearing our pleas, removed the rest from our table and brought us lots of mussels and clams instead which we laid out in their shells with garlic and chillis, then once they were steeped in spice, put them straight on the iron and grilled to perfection.

Later that night, as monsoon rain caught up with us and drenched the streets, we ventured out to a restaurant close to our minbak and generally disturbed the peace, tucking into huge bowls of steaming noodles and bottles of soju. At about 1am Mina and another friend disappeared for a bit, and came back bearing a cake that shouldn't have been allowed out on its own like that - piled high with cream and berries and filled with chocolate ice cream; Happy Birthday was sung loudly and with gusto and then Andrea demanded I mix my sweet cake with bitter soju before the others (you can see how keen Kyle was, having appeared beside me in these photos from the other end of the table...) could tuck in.
Once the birthday shots were done, everybody grabbed a spoon but it took exactly 0.9 seconds before Kyle smeared somebody with cream and then it was all over - the food fight was on. Cait and I still managed to spoon plenty into our mouths while fending off cream-filled fists though!

When the patience of our neighbours had worn thin, we paid up and left the restaurant - not far though, we walked across the road and down the steps to the beach, where in true Korean style there was a little shelter with a table (and lots of watertubes being stored), so we dumped our stuff there out of the rain while everybody went for a swim (not me - too nervous from South African seas to brave currents at midnight!)
The next day it was up at 9 to catch our train home. The train was amazing - very wide, and each seat had loads of legroom, but I'm not talking about that: I'm talking about the restaurant car, which was half restaurant/kiosk with seats, and half entertainment centre. One side was curtained off into small rooms - a massage chair room and a noraebang (karaoke room), in case you had the urge to sing with your friends on your way to your destination - while the other side had internet-enabled computers and video games! Of course, it filled up very quickly, but for the first part of our journey, what a pleasure to have such timewasters! Don't know why British Rail hasn't picked up on it yet!
There was one more surprise waiting for me when I got home. Leigh had been to Jeju this weekend with Jacquelyne, booking her tickets in a moment of desperation to get out of EV then realising it was my birthday. Cait and I arrived back just after her, and they both turned up in my room with a pile of presents! Topped off with Shabu Shabu that night, what a birthday weekend it's been..... :)